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The 3 key elements to boost your store

Creating campaigns to sell more can be very simple: sometimes you just need to create an email and send it to your customer list. No matter if you are a small business or a giant like Amazon, everyone who wants to boost e-commerce has to comply with some basics to achieve the expected results. In this article, we will talk about the keys to knowing how and to whom to send your campaign, accompanying the leads in their journey to become customers and discovering lessons that allow us to sell more.

Let's first look at what a campaign is.

Examples of e-commerce campaigns

All e-commerce strategies seek to sell a product or service, and to achieve this objective, campaigns are created that basically seek to sell products or services:

  1. Generating traffic to a website

  2. Convert those visitors into customers

There are many types of campaigns, but among the most commonly used we can mention:

  • Welcome campaigns: These campaigns are used when a user purchases or signs up for the first time and usually include an automatic response email.

  • Abandoned cart recovery campaigns: These are used to send reminders to people who added a product to their shopping cart and did not complete their purchase.

  • Order confirmation campaigns: These are carried out with an email that includes all the details of the product that has just been purchased and some additional information of value to the buyer.

  • Inactive customer recovery campaigns: These campaigns target customers who have not made a purchase in a long time.

  • Newsletters: Sent with a defined regularity to provide your audience with all the news about your products or company.

  • Drip Marketing: These are a collection of emails that are sent as a successive programmed chain, which seeks to maintain a relationship and educate customers over time until the objective of the campaign is met, which is usually to achieve the sale of a product.

  • Date-based campaigns: These are usually sent out on birthdays, holidays and any special day that allows you to make contact and send a discount code.

What are the keys to generating more sales in e-commerce?

1. Segmentation

Always the basis of any strategy that seeks to sell is to put the customer at the center, and to do so it is necessary to segment them into different types based on the information you have available in your database. This is very important to personalize the message and its content as much as possible.

Here are some examples of the criteria you can use to do this:

  • Price sensitivity: This customer segment is discount-seeking and buys at the lowest price.

  • Features: Depending on the complexity of the product, technical features may form a segment of buyers looking for one or more factors to make a purchase.

  • Confidence: Many buyers need some proof of product popularity to help them make a less risky decision.

  • Urgency: It is possible to create segments according to the moment in which the buyer is, in order to know if the product is needed urgently. In these cases, delivery time is the most important factor in the purchase decision.

2. Sales conversion funnel

A sales funnel is a process with a series of successive steps that allows you to manage leads on their way to becoming customers. It is made up of these groups: visitors to the website, those who visited an e-commerce product page, those who added the product to the shopping cart, and those who became customers.

This methodology allows you to track the number of leads at each stage in order to implement campaigns that allow them to move from one stage to the next. According to Salesforce, 79% of leads never become customers, and this is why it is so important to have a clear strategy to turn those leads into customers.

CRMs are in charge of doing this job automatically, where you can match customers with the products they buy, create all the e-commerce campaigns, segment contacts, and create all the reports that allow you to follow up with a 360º view of your customers.

3. Metrics

As you can't improve what you can't measure, metrics often clearly show how your past campaigns are doing, with real-time metrics and estimates of upcoming sales.

The most important metrics are related to conversion, where the number 1 is usually the number of visitors who added a product to the shopping cart over those who ended up buying. This data is analyzed in conjunction with the sales funnel data to find opportunities for improvement (Conversion Funnel Analysis).

Then it is also important to analyze customer order data, such as the average purchase amount or the total cumulative amount each customer bought (Customer Lifetime Value).

Last but not least, there are customer acquisition metrics, known as Customer Acquisition Cost or CAC, which calculate the cost of generating a new customer. This is usually one of the most important metrics because it tells you the maximum you can invest in customer generation, e.g. if, for each product sold you make a profit of $10, you will have to invest less than that amount to make a profit.


There are many campaigns that you can implement to generate more sales in your e-commerce and many of them can overlap without any problem. Good e-commerce strategies do not depend on choosing the right campaign, but on combining as many campaigns as possible to achieve the highest and most profitable volume of sales.


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