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Ep.25: The Metamorphosis of an iconic brand

In this episode, we will explore how a world-renowned brand transformed its image and message to adapt to changing times and the demands of a more conscious audience. We will analyze whether this radical transformation was a successful strategic move or a misstep that jeopardized its reputation.

The "Axe Effect": From objectification to authenticity

Axe, the Unilever brand known for its bold and often controversial advertising campaigns, built its early success around the concept of the "Axe Effect." Women were portrayed as passive objects, attracted solely by the scent of the product. This approach reinforced harmful gender stereotypes and promoted a superficial view of attraction. Some examples follow:

  • The Axe Effect: An ordinary man becomes a magnet for women after using Axe. This exaggerated and humorous ad shows how using Axe transforms a man into an irresistible object of desire for women.

  • Spray More, Get More: A young man sprays himself excessively with Axe and ends up being chased by an avalanche of attractive women. This ad reinforces the idea that the more Axe you use, the more successful you'll be with women.

  • The Cleaner You Are, The Dirtier You Get: A man showers and applies Axe, leaving his house spotless. However, as he walks down the street, he attracts a crowd of women who dirty him with their kisses and caresses. This ad plays with the idea that using Axe not only makes you irresistible but also leads you to "dirty" situations with women.

  • Axe Angels: A series of online videos showed a group of fallen angels from heaven who turned into beautiful and sensual women after smelling Axe on a man. This viral campaign used humor and fantasy to reinforce the image of Axe as a product that makes you irresistible to any woman.

In recent years, Axe has undergone a significant transformation in its marketing approach. The brand has moved away from the "Axe Effect" and adopted a more inclusive and respectful message, focused on authenticity and individuality.

The "New Axe Effect" centers on the idea that true attraction comes from confidence, authenticity, and individuality. The Axe product is presented as a complement that enhances the individual's personality, rather than being the determining factor. Women are represented as active participants in the interaction, with their own desires and preferences. This approach promotes a healthier and more respectful view of attraction, aligned with the values of Generation Z.

A new Axe for a new generation?

The new Axe strategy, called "The New Axe Effect," seeks to connect with younger generations, that are more aware of social issues and that values diversity and inclusion. Axe's advertising campaigns now feature men and women of different races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and gender identities, and promote a broader and more positive view of masculinity.

This transformation has been met with mixed opinions. Some applaud the change as a necessary step towards more responsible and representative advertising, while others criticize the brand for abandoning its original identity and giving in to social pressure.

An authentic change or a marketing strategy?

The authenticity of Axe's change has been questioned by some critics, who see it as a marketing strategy to attract a younger and more conscious audience. They argue that the brand is simply following current trends rather than leading a real change in the advertising industry.

Furthermore, some point out that, despite the change in its message, Axe is still a brand that sells personal care products for men, which could limit its ability to promote true gender equality.

The question for the AI

What communication channels did Axe use to promote the original "Axe Effect" campaign, and how do these differ from the channels used for the more recent "New Axe Effect" campaign?

The AI ​​response: The original "Axe Effect" campaign relied heavily on visually impactful television commercials, which often featured humorous and exaggerated situations to highlight the product's supposed power of attraction. Print ads in magazines and billboards were also used to reinforce the message.

In contrast, the "New Axe Effect" has adopted a broader multi-channel approach, leveraging digital platforms and social media to reach a younger and more diverse audience. The campaign includes online videos, interactive social media content, collaborations with influencers, and event activations. These channels allow for more direct and personalized communication with the target audience, fostering dialogue and engagement.

Furthermore, the content and message conveyed in each campaign differ significantly. While the original campaign focused on physical attraction and the idea that Axe was the key to success with women, the "New Axe Effect" promotes a more inclusive and empowering view of attraction, emphasizing the importance of confidence, authenticity, and individuality.

Optimizing the "New Axe Effect" with attribution models

Attribution models are essential tools to understand how different marketing channels contribute to the success of a campaign. In the case of the "New Axe Effect", we can leverage these models, along with a predictive revenue marketing approach, to optimize advertising spending and maximize return on investment (ROI).

Marketing channels and data collection

The "New Axe Effect" utilizes a variety of marketing channels, including:

  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok): Data on impressions, clicks, interactions, and conversions are obtained through each platform's analytics tools.

  • Digital Advertising (Google Ads, Display): Google Ads and other digital advertising platforms provide detailed data on impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost per click (CPC).

  • Influencers: Track mentions, reach, interactions, and conversions generated by influencers through tracking links and promotional codes.

  • Events and Activations: Collect data on the number of attendees, brand interactions, and conversions through registrations, surveys, and promotional codes.

  • Website and Mobile App: Use web and mobile app analytics tools (such as Google Analytics) to track traffic, interactions, and conversions on the Axe website and app.

Attribution models

  1. First Touch: This model attributes all credit to the first channel the customer interacted with. It is useful for understanding which channels generate brand awareness.

  2. Last Touch: This model attributes all credit to the last channel the customer interacted with before conversion. It is useful for understanding which channels drive the purchase decision.

  3. W-Shaped Model: This model assigns decreasing weights to touchpoints as they move further away from the conversion. For example, the last touchpoint receives the highest weight, the second to last a lower weight, and so on.

  4. U-Shaped Model: This model assigns equal weights to all touchpoints. It is useful when all channels are considered to contribute equally to the conversion process.

  5. Linear Attribution Model: This model distributes credit equally among all touchpoints.

Predictive Revenue Marketing

Predictive revenue marketing uses historical data and statistical models to predict the impact of marketing investments on future revenue. In the case of the "New Axe Effect", we can use attribution data to build predictive models that help us make informed decisions about budget allocation across different marketing channels.


  1. Collect data: Use the analytics tools of each channel to collect data on impressions, clicks, interactions, and conversions.

  2. Apply attribution models: Use the different attribution models to analyze how different channels contribute to conversions.

  3. Build predictive models: Use attribution data and other relevant variables (such as advertising spend and customer demographics) to build predictive revenue models.

  4. Optimize advertising spend: Use the predictive models to identify the marketing channels that offer the highest ROI and adjust advertising spend accordingly.

By combining attribution models with a predictive revenue marketing approach, Axe can optimize its "New Axe Effect" campaign to maximize ROI and achieve a greater impact in the market.


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