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Ep.10: The explosive recipe that ignited social media

In this episode, we delve into a campaign that attempted to be bold and provocative, but ended up being an explosive cocktail of bad taste and disastrous consequences. A gin brand wanted to ride the wave of social unrest, but forgot a key ingredient: sensitivity. Get ready for a journey through the dark side of marketing, where dark humor is confused with disrespect and social media becomes a battleground.

Bristol Gin and the gin of the riots

In 2020, amid the protests and social unrest that rocked the United States, the gin brand Bristol Gin launched an advertising campaign that was intended to be provocative and generate conversation. The idea was to present their gin as the perfect fuel for the riots, using the hashtag #GinAndRiots. The campaign included images of Molotov cocktails made with gin and messages that suggested that the drink was the best way to "heat up" the protests.

The brand sought to appeal to a young and rebellious audience, who identified with the spirit of protest and irreverence. However, the campaign did not take into account the social and political context in which it was taking place, nor the sensitivity of such a delicate issue as social unrest.

A fire on social media

Bristol Gin's campaign quickly generated a negative reaction on social media. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram users harshly criticized the brand for its lack of respect towards the victims of the riots and for trivializing such a serious issue. 

The campaign was described as insensitive, opportunistic, and in bad taste. Social pressure and mass rejection forced Bristol Gin to withdraw the campaign and publicly apologize. However, the damage was already done. The brand lost contracts with distributors and bars, and its image was seriously damaged.

Dark humor or disrespect?

The Bristol Gin campaign is a clear example of how dark humor can be a double-edged sword in marketing. While humor can be an effective tool to connect with the audience and generate conversation, it is important to use it carefully and avoid sensitive topics or those that may offend certain groups.

In the case of Bristol Gin, the brand crossed the line of dark humor and fell into disrespect. The campaign not only trivialized a serious issue like social unrest, but also showed a lack of empathy towards the victims and their families.

The question for the AI

How to create an advertising campaign for the Bristol Gin brand in the United States in the midst of a time of protests and social unrest?

The AI's response: Creating an advertising campaign for Bristol Gin in the United States during a time of protests and social unrest requires a careful and sensitive approach. Here are some key strategies:

  • Solidarity and support:

    • Message of unity: Instead of trivializing or taking advantage of the unrest, Bristol Gin should show solidarity with the affected communities. The message could focus on the importance of unity, resilience, and hope in difficult times.

    • Support for social causes: The brand could partner with organizations working to address the root causes of the unrest, such as social inequality or racial injustice. This would demonstrate a genuine commitment to social change.

  • Relevant and respectful content:

    • Inspiring stories: Sharing real stories of people who are making a difference in their communities can generate a positive impact and show the human side of the brand.

    • Art and creativity: Collaborating with local artists to create works that reflect hope and resilience can be a powerful way to connect with the public.

    • Appropriate communication channels:

    • Social media: Use social media to amplify the message of solidarity and share relevant content. It is important to monitor conversations and respond to comments in a respectful and empathetic manner.

    • Community events: Participating in local events that promote unity and dialogue can help build stronger relationships with the community.

  • Avoid controversy:

    • Do not trivialize: It is essential to avoid any message that could be interpreted as trivializing the unrest or disrespecting those affected.

    • Do not politicize: The brand should stay away from any partisan political stance and focus on messages of unity and hope.

Understanding how credit is attributed in marketing

Attribution models are essential tools for understanding how different customer touchpoints (ads, social media, website, etc.) contribute to a conversion (purchase, registration, etc.). This is key for optimizing your campaigns and allocating your marketing budget effectively.

Examples of attribution models:

  • First touchpoint: This model attributes all credit to the first channel with which the customer interacted. It is useful for understanding which channels generate brand awareness.

  • Last touchpoint: This model attributes all credit to the last channel with which the customer interacted before conversion. It is useful for understanding which channels drive the purchase decision.

  • W-shaped model: This model assigns decreasing weights to touchpoints as they move away from the conversion. For example, the last touchpoint receives the highest weight, the second to last a lower weight, and so on.

  • U-shaped model: This model assigns equal weights to all touchpoints. It is useful when all channels are considered to contribute equally to the conversion process.

  • Linear attribution model: This model distributes credit equally among all touchpoints.

How to choose the right attribution model?

There is no "perfect" model for everyone. The choice depends on your marketing goals, your customers' buying cycle, and the channels you use. It's recommended to experiment with different models and analyze the results to see which one best suits your business.

Predictive marketing for Bristol Gin in challenging times

The situation detailed in the United States presents a unique challenge for Bristol Gin. However, it also offers an opportunity to demonstrate brand values and connect with consumers on a deeper level.

Predictive marketing campaign proposal:

  1. Data Analysis: Use analytics tools to identify consumer segments that are most receptive to messages of solidarity and social justice. This could include demographic data, interests, social media behavior, etc.

  2. Segmentation and Personalization: Create personalized messages and ads for each segment, highlighting Bristol Gin's commitment to the community and a fairer future.

  3. Relevant Content: Develop content that resonates with consumers' values, such as inspiring stories, art created by local artists, and messages of unity and hope.

  4. Strategic Channels: Use a combination of social media, digital advertising, public relations, and community events to reach different audience segments.

  5. Measurement and Optimization: Implement attribution tools to measure the impact of each channel and message on revenue. Use sentiment analysis to monitor brand perception and adjust the campaign in real time.

Example message:

"At Bristol Gin, we believe in a future where we can all raise a glass together. We are committed to supporting our communities and working towards a more just and equitable world. Join us in celebrating unity and hope."

Final considerations:

It's crucial to address concerns about privacy and bias in algorithms. Transparency in data collection and use is essential, as is ensuring that the campaign is inclusive and does not discriminate against any group.


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