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10X: A methodology for elevating the Digital Experience

Delivering innovative and positive experiences is essential for earning customer loyalty and empowering employees. But with so many moving parts across platforms and touchpoints, crafting seamless journeys can feel daunting. That's why having a solid methodology as your guide is key. Here we outline a 10-step approach - "10X" - to help you systematically design and optimize world-class digital experiences.

  • X1 - Examine Purpose and Experience Metrics: The first step is getting crystal clear on your organization's core purpose and values. Understanding your "why" provides crucial context for experience decisions down the line. Next, dive into the data. Survey real customers and employees to uncover pain points and bright spots. Social listening, interviews, focus groups and analytics review will reveal quantitative and qualitative insights into frustrations and delights. Keep drilling down until you have an accurate picture of the current experience.

  • X2 - X-ray Current Experience Journeys: With research results in hand, map out your customers' and employees' end-to-end experience journeys within your digital ecosystems. Document key steps across each website, app, support platform and internal system. Look for the biggest opportunities to remove friction - anywhere clunky designs, confusing flows or lengthy processes diminish experiences. At the same time, highlight areas where you are already delivering delight to be built upon.

  • X3 - Establish Strategic Experience Goals and Targets: Now it's time to set tangible targets for elevating satisfaction and loyalty. First, define your overarching experience vision - the ideal you are working towards. Then translate that into quantifiable goals and metrics across priority dimensions like satisfaction, ease-of-use and retention. Creating this experience scorecard will drive alignment and provide a way to benchmark progress. Share goals across the organization to get all teams rallied around the vision.

  • X4 - Outline Experience Principles and Guidelines: With goals set, establish a core set of experience principles that put the customer and employee at the center of everything you do. Define exactly how you commit to treating people and communicating at each touchpoint. Also develop process and design guidelines that align with principles. Mandate response times, governance models, optimal flows, content best practices and other standards to unify experiences.

  • X5 - Engineer Improved Experience Interactions: Now the fun part - reimagining and reengineering the end-to-end interactions. Fix pain points through redesigns and introduce new digital experiences to exceed expectations. Brainstorm creative ways to surprise and delight people. Map the desired future journeys prioritizing key moments of truth for innovation. Apply experience principles and guidelines to ensure fluid, frictionless experiences.

  • X6 - Execute Digital Experience Solutions: With future experiences mapped, determine the technology, tools and platforms needed to bring the visions to life. Prioritize solutions that integrate with existing systems and enable consistent personalized experiences across channels. CRM, marketing automation, collaboration tools, customer portals and internal platforms all play key roles. Build roadmaps for implementation bringing in the right partners as needed.

  • X7 - Experiment with New Experience Designs: Before going full-blown on any experience, start small and test. Pilot redesigned interactions and solutions with focus groups first. Gather feedback through surveys and interviews. Monitor data and iterate based on learnings before expanding availability. A phased rollout lets you refine approaches based on real user reactions.

  • X8 - Enable Internal Experience Teams: The people building and delivering experiences make all the difference. Invest heavily in education and training around new solutions, guidelines, standards and required skills. Create centers of excellence with cross-functional teams of CX professionals, designers, technologists and user assistance experts all working together. Provide ongoing support to drive consistency.

  • X9 - Optimize the Experience Continuously: Experiences must continuously adapt and improve to meet changing needs. Regularly gather quantitative web analytics and qualitative feedback. Monitor for new friction points and changing expectations. Have an optimization roadmap to quickly refine experiences based on insights. Update guidelines, rework designs, enhance features, and optimize content on an ongoing basis.

  • X10 – Examine Experience Progress and Impact: Finally, it's critical to closely examine progress against goals, celebrate wins and course correct as needed. Maintain focus on target metrics to understand what's moving the needle. Report back regularly on your experience transformation wins and impact. Share highlights across the organization and publically to employees, customers and shareholders to build momentum.


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